But today I have my Thanksgiving recap. I didn't use Mark Bittman's recipe for splatchcocking, or whatever it is, but maybe next year. Since it was my first year to cook the turkey, I wanted to do it up right... the traditional way.
Here she is:
I brined our little turkey for almost 24 hours. Moving the brine bag in and out of the fridge by myself was challenging, but I accomplished it.
Thursday morning I had to miss out on parade viewing to prep the little sucker, but it was totally worth it... in the end. Removing the neck was a traumatic experience, but we were able to move past that unfortunate ordeal. I stuffed it with some veggies and put some thyme butter under the skin. I'm not sure if this really did anything, but I was told to do it and I did.
I put little turkey in for one hour and then prepared to remove it to flip the bird breast up and start with my first basting. This is when chaos insued. I had bought a disposable aluminum pan as I did not have a roasting pan and thought this would help with the clean up. Little did I know that it would be too flimsy. When Bryan went to pick it up off the rack a hole was formed in the pan.
I got to stand here like this for 10 minutes while Bryan ran to the grocery for backup.
There was also this mess to clean up:
All was cleaned up and forgiven and with three pans we were ready to get back to cooking.
At hour two, our sweet bird looked like this:
And finally she was ready.
(Ignore the whoppy skin on the bottom left.)
Once Bryan carved the turkey, we were ready for the feast everyone had put together.
We had a great meal and have so much to be thankful for this year.
Hope everyone had a great holiday!